As doctors, we tend to focus on the clinical work and don’t like to think about messy things like our financial figures.

…but in private practice, you need to have more of a mindset that you are running a business if you are going to be successful and when you are running a business, it is essential that you know your numbers.

In this video, I talk about why you need to know your numbers and what numbers you need to know:

If you are interested in learning more about running your private practice more like a business, then you can read about the P.E.C.A.N. Approach to systemise and automate your private practice and allow you to deliver a consistently high level of service.

*picture courtesy of

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If you want to chat about your Private Practice, let's arrange a call.

We should be able to work out some strategies you can employ straight away.

If we are a good fit, I hope you might want to enrol on one of my courses or join my Mastermind Group.

I will link you to my diary to see if we can find a time to chat.



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